Since joining the Epsilon Omega chapter of Delta Sigma Pi (a professional business fraternity) in 2018, I've held several leadership positions within the chapter. Each position is listed below, along with the responsibilities each position entailed.
Vice President of Chapter Operations
Chapter Webmaster
Vice President of Chapter Operations
- Monitor and encourage the chapter's progress towards reaching the requirements for Accredited Chapter, Chapter of Recognition, and Chapter of Excellence
- Responsible for keeping track of member attendance - created and implemented new attendance policy in August 2019
- Take minutes during chapter meetings
- Send reminders about chapter meetings and events
Chapter Webmaster
- Created new chapter website -
- Created new chapter social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)
- Responsible for controlling the content displayed on each account, as well as the chapter website
Vice President of Professional Activities
Pledge Class President
- Organized and ran professional events during Spring semester 2019
- Helped chapter fulfill Chapter Management Program requirements after shortcomings during Fall 2018
- Events included:
- A career fair and interview discussion with Bob Berdelle, a recruiter from Enterprise
- Guest speaker Zebulun Mattos, who gave a presentation regarding humanitarian efforts he had been involved with
- A risk management event with officers of the University Police Department
- A tour of Taste, a local restaurant specializing in Chicago-style chicken
- A presentation from John Marr of career services about resumes and internships
- Attending a guest speaker (Yves Robinson) for the school of business regarding big data
- Created a list of contacts for potential future events for the successor of this position
Pledge Class President
- Responsible for communicating with the other pledge class officers to ensure that all required events were completed in a timely and efficient manner